Is Home Care Affordable?
Home Care might be more affordable than you think. You might be like many others in thinking that good quality home care is unattainable, but let's look at some of the different options that are available for you.
Low-income adults, children, pregnant women and people who are older or have disabilities can be eligible for health coverage through Medicaid. Star+PLUS for example, is a medicaid waiver program that offers assistance to disabled adults and elderly Texans aged 65 or older that need home care services among other things. They provide these services through managed care organizations such as Superior Health Plan and Amerigroup. Traditional medicaid also has other programs that provide assistance for your home care needs.
Medicare Advantage (MA) Plan
Medicare advantage plans, also known as Medicare Part C, offer supplemental health care to their program participants. Coverage for in home services such as personal care assistance may be available through your MA plan.
Long Term (LTC) Insurance
If you have LTC insurance you more than likely are eligible to receive home care services at no additional cost. All LTC plans are different so depending on how your plan is structured, you might have a daily or monthly allowance to pay for services. Either way this is a great option for you to take advantage of if you do own a LTC insurance policy.
Pricing Plans
Option I
Option II
Option III
Self Pay Options
If private pay is an option for you, we are happy to be able to offer you our services. We have different rates depending on the amount of hours you need and the level of care that will be necessary for your care. And don't forget, in most cases cost of home care for you or your loved one is tax deductible.
Also there are programs out there that help seniors lower their expenses in other areas allowing them to free up resources that can then be used to pay for home care. The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program for example is geared to assist low income seniors with their energy cost that may be too high for someone on a fixed income.
Reach Out
Trying figure all of this out on your own can be a headache. Let us help. If you would like for us to help you reach out to your insurance company or insurance broker to help you get all the information you need we can do that. Feel free to stop by or schedule us in, we'd love to come out to you and help you get on the way to receiving good quality home care.